Wishing pool

After helping Criamon with his SBH scenarios, I have decided that is time for building some scenery.

Here is the my Wishing Pool / Invocation Altar

First step, cut the foam and draw the rocks.

Bear clan warrior for scaling
Them, I pasted some paper on the pool for representing the water. Painted everything with black and deep blue. So I got this:

Some highlights after....

Some grass, here and there, and  ta-daah!

Well that's all.
And if I put it in vertical, I can use it as Stargate Portal :)


  1. Awesome terrain piece! I'd never think of using paper to create the swirling water surface.

  2. Lo mismo, nunca se me habria ocurrido utilizar papel O.o. La verdad es que la pieza mola, sobretodo el tema de usarla de pie para hacer un portal de Stargate. Me gusta... ¬¬ Por cierto, ¿cuales son esos escenarios de SBH exactamente *.*?
